Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two Visits from the Tooth Fairy in Two Days

After weeks of bugging the Little Guy to keep wiggling his loose tooth so it would come out, he finally lost the first one yesterday. It was so loose it was leaning sideways and it just popped out without any drama at all. (Very few things happen without any drama with this child!) Since it was painless AND it got him a dollar from the Tooth Fairy, he yanked out its wiggly neighbor at kindergarten today and came home with his little bitty tooth in a ziploc bag.

Tonight when I put him to bed he stuck it in his tooth fairy pillow. He told me he was talking about the tooth fairy with his friends at kindergarten. They decided 1) tooth fairies are girls, 2) they're veeeery tiny, and 3) you don't want to mess with them, 'cause they may be little but they're really strong from lugging around bags full of teeth and gold dollar coins. Now I can't get the image of a mosquito-sized body builder in a tutu and wings lurching through the air with a sack full of loot out of my head!

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